October 27, 2015

My update and My apologies

I have sadly had to step back in much of my reviewing in order to get my family through a very stressful year. The doctors started my son on testing for Epilepsy Surgery, we had no idea the roller coaster ride we were beginning with that appointment and the decision to see if our son was a candidate for surgery. Perhaps one can't prepare for these sorts of things and that is just the way it is. We began with the first test's. He had a PET, an MRI, a FMRI, 2 SPECS, a MEG which required another MRI a 3 channel one or something, he took tests with the Neuro-psychologist, who then ordered a WADA and of course he has had about a dozen EEG's and 100's of seizures while he was off his meds for 2 of our tests. This boy has been put through the ringer! We are now awaiting the surgical teams decision on if we go forward. Which means if he has surgery, it will be done in 2 parts, both requiring him to stay in the hospital during all of it (at the least 2 weeks), then home for recovery, we have been told to expect significant memory issues that could last up to 9 months after surgery! Which will prove a challenge for a 14 year old boy in 8th grade that is active and social. 

This is what my fall/winter looks like, so I post this here to let all authors, fellow bloggers, readers and anyone who follows me, that I am not gone, but I may not be reviewing as often as I have been known too until My boy is over his next hurdle in life. I ask for your amazing patience with me, any book I have committed to reading and reviewing, will get done. It just may not be as quickly as originally promised. Before I became a stressed out mom, I read a book a day...currently i have to fight to focus to read even one a week. So please please have patience and understanding with me. 

We are currently expecting a surgical date very near Christmas, which of course will alter things for our home as well. We hope that if he is to be at the hospital during the holiday we will be allowed to make it a very special day for him. He being my amazing trooper, shrugs his shoulder and says "it's ok mom, let's just get it done!"

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